Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Babies, Babies Everywhere

This past weekend I went up to Sacramento for my best friend's baby shower. It seems like everyone is having babies! I love it! Anyway, the shower was seriously the nicest baby (or any other) shower I've ever attended. Everything was picture perfect.

The best part though, of course, was spending time with Christine. The only thing I dislike about living in Arizona is the distance from my friends. But little visits here and there defininitely help.

In addition, I got to help her get everything organized for the nursery, which I totally loved. Maybe I should have taken the Professional Organizer career track...

1 comment:

Christine E. Quick said...

Yes, Cori definately should have been a professional organizer. I mean really, you have seen her things she loves list, one of them is lists and planning!!! That is Cori to a tee. She did an amazing job helping me with my nursery. If it wasn't for her I would still be sitting in the midst of everything overwhelmed and confused, wondering where to start. We had so much fun staying up until midnight organizing and more when we woke the next morning. Love you girl!!