Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Tuesday Ten

This week...10 things you may not know about me.

1. I was born on the same day that Elvis died.
2. I used to be a substitute teacher. It sucked, but it paid the bills.
3. I am in the process of starting my own freelance writing business.
4. My favorite color is red.
5. The furthest I have ever traveled is Adelaide, Australia.
6. I hate to iron. This is excellent news for the local dry cleaner.
7. I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies.
8. I am paranoid that I am going to burn my house down by leaving my flat iron plugged in all day.
9. I never loose stuff, but somehow I've managed to lose my iPod twice in the last couple of months. It is currently MIA.
10. I have never run out of gas. Though with my new car I have tried a few times because the steering wheel covers up the gas gauge and I don't notice that there's an issue until the light comes on.

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