Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Curiousity About Baby #2

I have to say, I thought that after Ryan I'd be a pro at this whole pregnancy thing, but that's not quite how it's happening. Pretty much everything about this pregnancy has been different than the first one--how sick I've been, how long I was sick, where I'm carrying the baby, how it's affecting my skin...I could go on and on.

I asked my doctor today if she thought that really different pregnancies usually mean different sexes, and she said absolutely not. I've been thinking this one is a girl, but only because of how different it has been. Bryan finally made his prediction, and he's thinking boy. I kind of hope he's right, because I would LOVE another boy.

I made my ultrasound appointment today, so we'll find out on July 2. Until then, let us know what you think and take the poll to the right.


Unknown said...

I have no clue because I have not seen you. But I am really excited! Thank you for the awesome gift for Clark! You are the best! Mail will be leaving my house anyday now... have had your thank you card forever!

Anonymous said...

My prediction - Ben's getting a little girlfriend...

Cori said...

Well I guess if it's a girl both of my kids will have arranged marraiges planned by the time they're 1!