Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ryan's Big News

So Ryan has some pretty exciting news...he's going to be a big brother!

Baby #2 is due November 23, and we are ecstatic. This pregnancy has been pretty rough, however, so I am very much looking forward to the end of the first trimester and the accompanying "morning" sickness.

The kids will be 16 months apart, which I'm sure will be an adventure. Everyone we talk to says that while it's hard at first, once they get a little older and can play together, it's great.

Anyway, between being sick, exhausted and taking care of Ryan I haven't been good for much lately, including posting on ye olde blog. Give me a few weeks though, and I should be back to my old self!


Nancy said...

Hi Cori, I clicked on your blog from Sharla's blog. That is so cool that your kids will be 16 months apart. Mine are and I love it. They are 4 and almost 3 now and are best friends. I call them the twins since they are the same size now and so congratulations on your "twins."
Nancy (lewis) Rivera

Unknown said...

Hooray! I am so ecstatic! It is terrific having the first two close in age, I totally recommend it! Mine are about 22 months apart, and it is great! CONGRATS!

Cara said...

Congratulations, Cori! I am so excited for you guys. Ryan will be a great big brother and I'm sure you'll do fine with two little ones. Hope you start feeling better soon!