Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pregnancy Update

So I've had a couple of people ask how the pregnancy is going. Let me start by saying that everything with the baby has been fine. It has a nice strong heart rate and I've actually felt it move a couple of times. And that's what matters.

Unfortunately though, the pregnancy has been less than stellar. And by that I mean it sucks. I know, you're not supposed to say that, right? But it's true. Now do I think it's worth it? Of course I do. But it's been rough.

Tomorrow I will be 17 weeks and the whole morning sickness thing is just not going away. In fact, the last couple of weeks have been the worst. This last Thursday I actually had to go to Urgent Care to get IV fluids and a shot to help with the vomiting. The IV was kind of a nightmare because I was so dehydrated that it took them 4 tries to actually get the IV line in.

I totally realize that it could be worse--I have a friend who was on at home IV's through her 7th month with both of her kids. So I'm grateful that it's not that bad, and I am lucky because I do have good days peppered in.

I know that the second I get to hold this precious little baby in my arms, all of this will seem completely inconsequential. However, it is a long time until November :-)


Candy said...

Good way to think of it. Glad you are trying to keep an upbeat attitude.

Unknown said...

You really will forget all about it when you have that baby, I promise. I forgot about it already. Do you find out what you are having soon??? You got to make it to just the next little milestone of excitement, right?