Tuesday, June 10, 2008

We Heart San Diego

This last week we decided that we needed to get away from all of the insanity of life, so we headed off to our favorite weekend destination, San Diego.

We flew out of Phoenix late Friday afternoon. After we got settled at the hotel we went to Bryan's all time favorite restaurant, Rockin' Baja Lobster in Old Towne.

Saturday we headed off to the zoo, which Ryan absolutely loved. That afternoon Bryan and Ryan attempted to brave the heated pool at the hotel, but with a breeze and a temperature of below 70 degrees, it was just too cold. Later we went to dinner and relaxed back at the hotel.

Sunday morning we slept in and had a leisurely breakfast at a cute little bakery cafe. After that we headed off to Balboa Park with the intention of taking Ryan for a ride on the train, but when we got there he was asleep. Since he had been teething and a little fussy, we decided to let him sleep and instead went to Seaport Village where we walked around the harbor and let Ryan get out some energy by crawling around on the grass.

It was a quick weekend, but just what the doctor ordered. I got to spend time with my two favorite people in the world with none of the distractions of home, and the weather was absolutely phenomenal.

What Daddy does, Ryan does.

Headed into the Zoo. It was a bit chilly in the morning, but it turned out to be a perfect day.

On the polar bear statue with Dad.

Getting ready to see the pandas.

A baby panda hiding up in the tree.

Enjoying a yummy pretzel.

Ready for a break .


Candy said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Tif loved that Polar Bear statue too :-) She laid down on it and I got a pic, so cute.

Lewis Times said...

Oh, to be a quick skip from SD again....I'm glad to hear you had such a good time and escaped the crummy weather. We've had some real muggy days already here. But then every once in awhile (like today) we get a great 80 degree, cool breeze day - I love it! I just wish it would happen more often.