Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pregnancy + Kidney Stones = A Bad Combination (or "Why I am no longer afraid of labor")

What a weekend. First off, I had a house full of my friends from California here over the weekend for my baby shower which was awesome (more on that later).

Monday morning I left the house to drop Christine off at the airport on my way to work. Right after we left I started getting intermittent pains in my back. After a few minutes they were every time I took a deep breath. I knew I wasn't in labor but I knew something was wrong so I called and left a message at my doctor's office. By the time we got to the airport the back pain was constant, and even though I felt like I had to go to the bathroom worse than I ever had in my whole life (a common feeling when you're pregnant) trying to do so was ineffective (sorry if that's TMI). Anyway, I figured I'd go ahead and stop by my office and let them know I wasn't feeling great and that I was going to go to the doctor and see what was going on. A couple miles from my office I was in excruciating pain and turned around to go back toward home.

Bryan met me at my doctor's office, but they were completely unhelpful and sent us off to the hospital. Without going into all of the details, I ended up passing a stone, and I have three other ones just hanging out in my kidney. We're hoping they won't do anything until after Ryan comes so we can just deal with them at that point. I ended up spending two days in the hospital, but I got tons of rest and since it was the same hospital where I'm having Ryan, it made me realize we definitely made the right choice. The nurses were absolutely wonderful, and because I was on the maternity floor, they were able to monitor Ryan throughout and make sure all was well with him, which was a huge comfort.

Pretty much everyone I've talked to has said that passing a kidney stone is much worse than giving birth to a child. It was definitely the most horrible pain I have ever experienced, and I can honestly say that I'm no longer afraid to have Ryan. I guess that's my little silver lining....


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! That sounds so horrible. I am so glad you were able to at leat enjoy the weekend of the baby shower before this trauma.
What happened with your Mom, did she get to paint in the nursery while she was out?

Cori said...


My mom got the mural started, but she'll have to finish it when Ryan is born.

I was really glad for the timing, too. That would have really put a damper on the party :)

Thanks again for coming--it was so fun to see you!