Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crafty, Crafty

Anyone who knew me before I had kids knows I was domestically challenged. I think it's funny, though, how things can change. Sunday at church the people behind us had this cool little tote bag for their kids' coloring books and crayons. I decided to look online and see if I could find instructions to make something similar, and this is what I came up with. Ryan is currently obsessed with Cars, so I was excited to find this cute fabric. It's lined in bright yellow and I have to say I was pretty impressed with the final product. It just goes to show that you really can do anything you set out to.


'Chelle said...

As her mother, I can say that until Cori got married and had kids, she could barely thread a needle.... I can't believe how creative and domesticated she has become... I'm proud of u Cori...

Ana said...

I'm proud of you to!!! This is adorable!

LemurQueen said...

Cool bag! Hey, you could put the crayon-holder part on an apron! just make it a little bigger and you can put spoons or whatever in it....hmmm may have given myself an idea...LOL

The Quick Family said...

You are a domestic GODESS. Con you make me one???

Cara said...

Check you out! I'm very impressed. What a great and useful idea. Love it!

'Chelle said...

Ok, now put the pic of Ryan's cake on here... If u got ohhhhhhs and ahhhhhhhhs for the tote, people will flip when they see ur cake.... hmmmmm a new side job maybe?? hehe

Love u, ,Mom