Monday, February 07, 2011

January in Review

I can't believe that January has already come and gone! I had to go through my pictures and my calendar to see where the month went! Mostly it was comprised of getting back into a normal routine after the holidays.

I have decided that this year I really want to focus on simplifying our lives as much as possible. To that end I spent a lot of time in January cleaning out our garage, closets and cabinets in an effort to get rid of stuff we don't need. I'm one who cleans up and cleans out frequently, and I'm still always amazed at how much stuff I found that we don't really need. It has gotten me to start really questioning my purchases as well because I realize all those things had to come from somewhere!

One event worth noting is that Ryan officially started Primary in January. I was called as a primary worked at the end of December so it's fun to be in there together (I don't actually teach his class, but we are both in junior primary and I sit behind him during Sharing time).

I guess that's it! This month I'll work on getting my camera out a little more often and doing some things that are a little more exciting!

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