Tuesday, March 20, 2007

There's Definitely a Baby in There!

Sorry I have been MIA and gone so long without a post. I've had some requests for prego pictures, so I'm finally obliging! My best friend Christine was here a couple of weeks ago for a quick visit and these were taken while she, her husband Gregg and her adorable new baby girl Kylee were here.

I can't believe how quickly the time is going. I am currently in my 23rd week--more than halfway there! Some of you know we had a few weeks of worrying about whether Baby Ryan had Down's Syndrome, but come to find out my doctor had given us completely false information and we had basically worried for nothing. Ugh. The good part though was that we got to see a wonderful specialist and have a very detailed ultrasound that showed how perfectly all of his little body parts are developing--his hands, feet, heart, brain, kidneys, the whole nine yards.

So for now I'm enjoying the processs and eagerly anticipating the arrival of Ryan in July.
Yay for babies!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Cori! I had no idea you were going through that drama. Glad everything is ok. You look so cute pregnant!