Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Ryan Update

So today was Ryan's 4 month check up. He now weighs 13 pounds, 14 ounces and is 26 inches long. For weight he is in the 40th percentile and for length he is in the 82nd percentile. I can't believe he's grown 6 1/2 inches already. We've actually had to pack up some of his size 6 months clothes already because his body is so long. Hopefully he gets his Daddy's height and somehow Bryan's and my weight cancel each other out and he'll end up a lean, mean machine.

Here he is showing off his Sesame Street Band-Aids from his shots, poor baby.

1 comment:

LemurQueen said...

Ryan needs to catch up...Brenna is just over 3mos and weighs 30lbs!! HAHAHA Ryan is a cutie! Look forward to the updates you post. Hope you & Bryan are well.